

Improving the world, one bit at a time


Activate Do Not Disturb for a predefined duration and work distraction free!

  • Slider with upcoming half-hours and hours.
  • Many built-in choices to choose from.
  • Respects your DND schedule, if one exists.
  • Deep links support for all menu entries, like dndme://start-dnd/30m, //start-dnd/next or //stop-dnd.

• Due to system limitations, DND Me does not work on Monterey.
• Due to system limitations on Big Sur (v2.0.0+), if a schedule is active, during those hours DND Me can not perform any actions, but it will update according to external changes.
• Due to system limitations on Sierra–Catalina (v1.1.3), DND Me does not work if Do Not Disturb is scheduled in System Preferences -> Notifications. You can download v1.1.3 for Sierra–Catalina here.

DND Me 2.0 - Turn DND on for a few hours and work distraction free | Product Hunt
Choices for any need
The icon changes if DND is active
Get notified when DND turns back on
Not allowed to mess it up
Changed your mind?
Get notified when your pause starts
Your schedule has priority
Deep links for all entries
Not a fan of light, but it looks good
You can find more of our projects here.
DND Me 2.0 - Turn DND on for a few hours and work distraction free | Product Hunt